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Best practices for air sampling in veterinary environment with the Coriolis®μ | NEW WHITE PAPER


It is extremely important to monitor exposure to bio-contamination not only in clean room environments based in research laboratories and hospitals, but also in veterinary-based facilities such as CAFOs, farms and life-stock areas. Reducing the risk of exposure to airborne bio-contaminants is crucial for the human and animal well-being in those environments.

Over the past 20 years, an increasing number of cases reporting disease outburst including zoonoses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), avian influenza and swine influenza have been making headlines around the world.

The Coriolis® µ innovative biological air sampler developed by Bertin Instruments is perfectly suited for environmental and pollution research. Based on a cyclonic technology, combined to a high air flow rate, Coriolis® offers the most efficient particles collection in 10 minutes for air quality monitoring and bio-contamination assessment.

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