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Drug Screening in Nails at 8 Seconds per Sample using Precellys 24 Touch

Drug Screening in Nails at 8 Seconds per Sample using Precellys 24 Touch Bertin Technologies 66015

The analysis of nail clippings is a great alternative to hair analysis. They provide up to 6 months of drug usage history and are easily collected for testing.

A proper sample preparation protocol is critical for drug analysis workflows. The quality and reproducibility of the drug extraction can strongly influence the results. The 3D-beating technology is considered the gold standard for sample pulverization. For this reason, Bertin Technologies has chosen 3-dimensional bead-beating technology to power the Precellys 24 Touch homogenizer.

In this application note, discover how the Precellys 24 Touch was successfully used to pulverize nail samples for mass spectrometry drug analysis. The Precellys 24 Touch combined with the Luxon Ion Source and Sciex Q-Trap 5500 mass spectrometer system allowed ultra-fast (8 seconds per sample) screening of different drug classes in nail clippings using a simple sample preparation method.

Read the application note