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Increase DNA extraction yield using Precellys tissue DNA extraction kit

Increase DNA extraction yield using Precellys tissue DNA extraction kit Bertin Technologies 57287

Bertin Bioreagent offers two kits to extract DNA and total RNA from animal tissues. These kits are part of a complete sample preparation workflow that starts with tissue homogenization using Precellys instruments and whose quality has been validated by Bertin Health & Life Sciences R&D team.

DNA extraction is a critical step in molecular biology laboratories and next-generation sequencing and microarray-based genomic technologies require high-quality DNA input to generate reliable data. For these reasons, we must optimize the DNA extraction process and implement reliable and fast extraction methods.

In this application note, discover how the Precellys Tissue DNA Extraction Kit was able to deliver fast and high-quality results with excellent yields from mouse tissue, compared to a competitor extraction kit used in our laboratory.


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