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Revolutionize Your Drug Preformulation Workflows with the Precellys® Evolution Homogenizer!

Revolutionize Your Drug Preformulation Workflows with the Precellys® Evolution Homogenizer! Bertin Technologies 67068

In a recent study in the European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Jochem Alsenz and Elisabeth Haenel present Precellys® Evolution homogenizer with Cryolys Evolution, a patent cooling system, as a versatile tool for improving preformulation processes in drug development.

The study highlights the various uses of Precellys® Evolution homogenizer with Cryolys Evolution, showing how it helps with tasks like screening substances for creating suspensions, developing drug formulations, and ensuring uniform powder mixing.

This state-of-the-art instrument allows for quick and simultaneous testing of different formulation methods, which is especially useful for substances with low solubility. Techniques like suspension sedimentation screening and dissolution models in relevant media enhance how formulations are understood.

The initial experiments discussed in the study lay the foundation for further exploration of Precellys® Evolution homogenizer with Cryolys Evolution in different areas, providing new opportunities for advancing drug development research.

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