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Six Feet under Microbiota: how the Coriolis µ detect pathogenic bacteria and fungi in graveyards

Six Feet under Microbiota: how the Coriolis µ detect pathogenic bacteria and fungi in graveyards Bertin Technologies 61902

Cemeteries can be reservoirs of pathogenic microorganisms due to organic matter decomposition. The burial of human bodies allows corpses to decompose while reducing the risk of posing danger to human health. However, the World Health Organization has reported potential impacts of cemeteries on human health by focusing on soil decomposition and water contamination. So far no studies have examined the occupational risks of cemeteries on graveyard workers. In Europe, it is mandatory for companies to prevent exposure to occupational risks but microbiologic risks are usually under reported. Microbiologic contaminants can be responsible for a wide range of pathologies in human, including acting as allergens, infectious vectors, and carcinogenic agents.

In this study, the Coriolis µ (Bertin Technologies, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France) was used to assess microbiological contamination in three cemeteries in Lisbon, Portugal.


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