[PRECELLYS] Micromilling and co-micromilling of small quantities of poorly water-soluble pharmaceutical drug components - Bertin Technologies

[PRECELLYS] Micromilling and co-micromilling of small quantities of poorly water-soluble pharmaceutical drug components

Sources: Bertin Pharma, France [1]


Micromilling and co-micromilling of drugs with specific pharmaceutical excipients is an interesting approach for increasing the solubility and the dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble compounds. In preclinical development and early clinical formulation development, the amount of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) available is often limited and specific process requiring micro quantities (100-200 mg) of drug for formulation screening is of high need. Evaluation of co-micromilling with various pharmaceutical excipients with regards to this limitation is in fact difficult to perform with classical milling equipment. In this respect the performance of Precellys®24 has been studied [1].


[1] Precellys24 as a useful screening tool in preformulation for micronisation and co-micronisation of smallquantities of poorly water-soluble pharmaceutical API, A. Colin et al. 2nd Conference on Innovation indrug delivery, 3-6 October, 2010, Aix-en Provence


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